There was an opportunity to close the loop!
Tie-dye is, to some degree, synonymous with hippies. But what other characteristic is unavoidable connected with hippies? Long hair, of course!
And here we are at the musical ‘Hair’ – a musical icon for the hippie era. Your’s truly, growing up in the 70s certainly had the album (on vinyl – remember those big 30cm black disks with grooves on them which stored the music?) as well as long hair to know what it was like.
And I even met and became friends with the guy who played the main role in the German stage production – so – I am connected!
Now, that we are running, with a type of tie-dye we often call tie-dye 2.0, we connect with quite a few hippies of those days.
Last week we got an order from Pat for a hoodie and a shirt with the question if we can manage to get this out in time to be worn at a stage production of – – – HAIR!
Certainly we made that happen – we just had to, and Pat promised to send pictures. Pat reported that the show has been excellent and that pictures were coming – and – today – we got one – she and her granddaughter at the San Francisco state show of Hair.
Thanks, Pat!
And this picture also goes into our ‘customer gallery’ – in case you don’t know – once we have filled up a gallery with 50 images, we have a raffle for all those who are in that gallery.
UPDATE: Pat sent another picture from her phone…